Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Nature of Blogging (Thing 3)

After reading some of the links to the different blogs posted on the 23 Things site I've come to several conclusions about blogging. Blogs read a lot like editorials in a newspaper, which are often pretty interesting whether you agree with the writer or not. One thing that's better about blogging is the availability of immediate commentary on the blog. I suppose this works much the same as responding to an online editorial. This aspect of the blog creates a type of discussion or conversation between individuals, much like a group of people sitting around a table drinking coffee and discussing the issues of the day. Although the tone is informal, it doesn't take away from the credibility of the content (within reason, of course). In fact, it makes the information more accessible to everyone.

What I love best about the commenting feature are the different ideas that surface on professional blogs. On the English Companion Ning, often the best ideas come from those people that tag onto the original post. Plus, anyone (for the most part, depending upon the blog) can attach links to other webpages, documents, etc.


  1. Great comments!

    You might want to consider posting a link along with your comments to help your readers like to what you are talking about. For example, you might want to make "English Companion Ning" a link to help people connect with what you are syaing.

  2. Thanks Holly! I actually did include a link to it in the post just prior.

  3. I like you analogy of a blog and "a group of people sitting around a table drinking coffee and discussing the issues of the day" - how accurate!
