Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thing 8: NetVibes = Bad Vibe?

I wish I could like customized start pages. I really do. I created a NetVibe account last year as part of a technology workshop, and completely thought it was the coolest thing since Dance Dance Revolution. But until today, I haven't looked at it since. I was playing around with it when I was reminded about all the cool things that it can do. If I just had time to browse everything I wanted to browse! In addition to editing my personal page today, I created a public page that you can access here: I have to say that I'm not particularly impressed with what I did or didn't do with the layout because I'm playing catch up with 23 Things this weekend. Next thing you know it's tomorrow and we're on to another set of Things for the week.

Back to the matter at hand...I like the idea of the customized start pages, but have not become an enthusiast of them. But I couldn't tell you why. I don't know if it's too much information at one time with all the tabs, pages, and stuff, or what. Maybe I just haven't given it a chance. If I were to set my homepage to my NetVibe page, maybe I would use it more. Instead I'm set to my email sign in page, which is virtually useless when I'm at school anyway. I certainly can access my email through NetVibe, so why not switch my homepage and give it a shot?


Maybe. We'll see ;)

I could see some potential with students, perhaps. It might be cool to use it for a project of sorts to show them how they can set up their page to do automatic searches on specific topics. I don't know. It does seem a little more complicated than running a Moodle or a shared OneNote notebook. I would love to hear any ideas that others have for potential student uses of these customized start pages in the classroom. What do you think? Do you see any viable use for a NetVibe or Pageflakes in the classroom?

1 comment:

  1. I think sometimes if I could just catch up in life I could tend to those neglected goals I set for myself - like my Netvibes page. I had a thought about how to use Netvibes with students. The MSG Grade 8 students are conducting research on a global topic. Students could create a Netvibes pages to search for their global topic. I think this would help students see a more complete picture of their issue.
